Grant Pettit is a multi-disciplined chartered accountancy firm founded in the Sydney CBD in 1996.
Since its beginnings, Grant Pettit has been assisting individuals, families and business with the increasing complexity and sophistication of the financial marketplace.
We provide our clients with personalised attention, ensuring quality and practical solutions for their business and compliance needs.
Enable our clients to TRUST that we always act in their best interest, provide independent advice, and maintain complete confidentially of their affairs.
Ensure candour in our client relationships by communicating in an open and honest, plain-speaking manner, to fully understand our client’s needs and effectively deliver our services.
Provide our clients with practical SOUTIONS to their accounting, taxation and financial needs, using our strong technical culture which enhances our ability to problem solve, deliver what we say, and achieve the best outcomes for our clients.
Provide our clients with our extensive KNOWLEDGE and experience that has been acquired through formal and ongoing education, and practical experience from dealing with a multitude of clients, regulatory agencies and other professionals over many years.